Hello everyone!
I am new to the RoboMO and I hope this is not inappropriate!
I found out about RoboMO via the Arch Reactor space. I am in need of some programming assistance for a robot project we have in the works. Essentially, we are using a DJI brand, EP series “battlebot” kit, and a custom frame and hardware, and have created a ductwork inspection robot. We actually used the S1 version of the battlebot, and I have an SDK and firmware that allows use of the EP series firmware on an S1 motherboard. The reason for doing so, is that the EP series software/firmware allows for robot inputs to be sent not only from the android/iphone app that DJI has released for the S1, but also can take text or binary input from sources like USB, a serial connection for an aurduino or similar, via direct wifi, or wifi over a router. I have all of the documentation for the EP series robot, and theoretically everything we need to create a custom android and/or iphone app for the robot we’ve developed. What I am lacking is the programming skills to get it together correctly. I have tentatively worked with 2 different programmers who were game at first, and then the technical side of the robotics programming scared them off. In any case - I hope this is appropriate - this is a paid project, 4-5 digits. My name is Mark, and I will be at the meeting at Arch Reactor on Nov. 12th, but I would just like to get the word out ASAP. I don’t know why I didn’t think of trying to find someone local to work with. My email is mark@kendallstl.com if anyone is interested in talking about this project in detail in the meantime.
Need programming assistance with a cool robot project